I jumped on this challenge because I wanted to dive deep into solving information architecture problems. Alo Moves was a great candidate for it because as a user, I found it extraordinarily hard to find a class and organise my routine.


I started with general questions:

  1. How can Alo Moves create a great user experience to keep their current subscribers and convert trial users?
  1. What is the profile of the subscribers on the Alo Moves app?
Without internal data on conversions or customers on Alo, I could only do a subscriber POV.

My Assumptions Coming In:

  1. Alo Moves has a poor search experience
  1. Alo Moves has poor class discoverability for various levels and site entry points (classes, instructors, and series)
These assumptions will later be corroborated by other users later in the study.
I was not insane.