
  • Shadowing Rose was requested but clearance from her office fell through.
  • This was a three-hour interview in which we talked about her weekly routine and difficulties in her work.

Daily Work Schedule

I uncovered a fragmented home care industry. Multiple interchangeable workers and nurses downplay establishing a long-term relationship with a senior.
  • 0600-0900 - Medical caregiver arrives; trained to administer medicine and inject patients
  • 0900-1400 - Rose arrives, stays for 3-5 hours to prepare lunch, clean, etc.; supermarket shopper may arrive once a week
  • 1400-1700 - New care worker replaces her, take her to the doctor, etc.
  • 1700-2000 - Medical caregiver and or worker arrives for dinner, sleep preparation, and medication

Work Structure

Rose’s workflow is a one-way vertical structure that is non-transparent and uses various media for internal communication.
notion image
  • Rose has no overview of her schedule.
  • Rose cannot fully plan her day or anticipate changes.
  • Rose cannot view who her clients are for the week.

Relational Structure

Rose feels isolated and has no source of emotional or professional support from other care workers. She struggles to be seen as a professional.
There are limited horizontal professional relationships among the low-ranked care workers.
  • She lacks emotional support
“There were two people (in my roster) who died...but thank God it was not me who found them!”
  • She feels burdened with unwanted emotional labour
“You know most of these people, they just pay for have someone to talk to. (I resisted). No! I needed to vacuum a bit.”

Client Relationship

Mis-scheduling and last-minute filling in by Rose exposes the lack of means of trust within the system for both clients and workers - producing anxiety, shame, and conflict.
  • Suspicion between Rose and her last-minute client
Client: “I don’t know about this...I already have a lot of help...go home!”
Rose: “But the company told me to come here...I have to call the company first”
Trust Transaction Flow
Mobile: Rose calls the office
Mobile: Rose hands off the phone to the client
Mobile: Client talks to the head office
Face to Face: “Okay, I trust you.”